Town Hall: (607) 749-3199
Town Justice: (607) 749-2377
Rick Fritz - Preble Code Official

The Code Official assists in following the NYS building codes to ensure the Health, Safety and Resilience of the Built Environment for all residents of Preble. 

Rick Fritz - Code Official and Zoning Officer
Phone: 607-591-9898

Preble Code Official is available at the Town Hall on Mondays from 1-3 pm to help with applications. Building permits, certificates of occupancy, zoning information are among the services available from the Code office.

The  Building Process: If you are planning to build to build in the Town of Preble you'll first need to get approval from the Cortland Count Health Department. Once have approval from the Health Dept:

  1. Download a  Building Premit  Application and follow the instructions. 
  2. Bring your completed application to Town Clerk/Code Official with copy of survey/tax map showing the parcel....
  3. Bring a  drawing of what will be built. A professionally rendered set of drawings may be needed for the project.
  4. Once approved, (you'll be notified by code official) then come to Preble Town Hall and submit it to the Preble Code Official. At that point, the cost of the permit will be determined and you will pay for the permit in person.
  5. Start building!

BSC logoPreble follows all NYS Buiding Standards and Codes.

Building Department Documents

Use the following links to view/print Building Department Forms and Documents. Do not send any payment with the applications. Payment can be made only after application approval.

Questions? Email The Code Official...